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  • 1. When are the SOAR 2025 dates?

    • June 23 - June 27
    • July 7 - July 11

    2. How much does it cost to attend SOAR?
    In-person SOAR: $450 (need-based scholarships available).

    4. Are scholarships available?
    Yes, we offer need-based scholarships for those who qualify.

    • Tuition Scholarship ($350) IN-PERSON SOAR: The student will receive a $350 tuition scholarship and must pay the remaining $100 program fee to complete their SOAR registration.
    • Travel scholarships may also be available for students who demonstrate need to travel to and from BYU.

    5. Is SOAR related to FSY or any other BYU summer program?
    No. SOAR is not related to other programs such as FSY.

    6. Does coming to SOAR guarantee admission to BYU?
    NO. Successful completion of the SOAR program DOES NOT constitute acceptance to BYU. Students are still expected to go through the normal application process and will be evaluated by the admissions office:

    7. My child needs to leave mid-week during SOAR, is that permissible?
    No. Only students who participate throughout the whole week will be considered SOAR attendees.

    8. My child would attend SOAR as an International Student. Are they able to apply to the program?
    The SOAR program is available for domestic students, refugees and undocumented students. Unfortunately, International Students (those on a valid visa) are not eligible for the program.

  • We receive a high volume of applications for this program and as a result, we do not have room for all of those who apply. Although SOAR is open to all domestic students after their junior year of high school (or equivalent), priority will be given (through a holistic evaluation) to individuals facing historical disadvantages and/or from underrepresented backgrounds, as well as those who traditionally lack access to the same educational resources, experiences, and opportunities as others.

    1. Will I be taking the ACT or SAT during SOAR?
    While instructions/materials will be given regarding preparing for the ACT/SAT students WILL NOT take the ACT/SAT as a part of SOAR.

    2. I have learning disabilities - am I eligible to attend SOAR?
    Yes. All students that meet the requirements may be considered to attend.

    3. Can high school seniors attend SOAR?
    No. SOAR is only for high school juniors during the summer after their junior year (or equivalent).

  • 1. Is there a paper version of the SOAR application available?
    NO. We no longer offer paper versions of the SOAR application.

    2. I am not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, do I need to be interviewed by a Latter-day Saint Bishop?

    • Students of other faiths can complete the recommendation by using the following options:
      • find their geographically-assigned LDS bishop and schedule a time to complete an endorsement interview:
      • set up an appointment with the BYU chaplain to be interviewed:
      • **Please keep in mind that endorsements must be completed prior to submitting your application. Please work to get this done well ahead of the deadline.

    3. Can I change SOAR sessions after having already registered for a session?
    No. Students may not change sessions before SOAR begins. Please call the Multicultural office (801-422-3065) or email if you have an emergency or difficult circumstances requiring a change. We will evaluate your request as long as space is available.

    4. When do I have to pay?
    Upon your notice as a selected participant to SOAR, you will need to complete your SOAR registration, including creating a BYU NetID, and confirm your attendance. We cannot confirm your selection until payment is received.

    5. Can I pay the SOAR fee with a credit card?

    6. When is the deadline to apply for SOAR?
    The application opens February 3, 2025 at 5:00 pm (MST) and closes on April 14, 2025 at 11:59 pm (MST). Decision notifications will be sent by May 10, 2025.

    7. Can I request to attend a particular SOAR session?
    Yes, you can state your session preferences on the application. We will do our best to accommodate your session preference. Notification of selection into the program will include the dates of your granted session.