SOAR seeks to strengthen the spiritual, cultural, social, academic, and personal identities of domestic students with diverse cultural backgrounds. SOAR exposes students to BYU's mission and aims, providing an on-campus experience in the summer immediately after their junior year of high school. All SOAR participants need to be at least 16 years of age.
SOAR selection decisions does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin or other protected classes.
SOAR 2025 Dates
June 23 - June 27
July 7 - July 11
The SOAR application contains 5 elements:
1. Create a BYU NetID and Password.
Create an email login and password.
After entering application portal, click on the "sign in" on the top right
Instructions to create a BYUNetID and Password found here: BYU Net ID Creation
If you already have a BYU NetID, please don't create another account. Make sure to use your own personal BYU Net ID.
Use your legal name as it appears on your birth certificate or social security card.
Provide a valid email and home address to receive application notifications.
2. Essay Questions.
We strongly recommend you prepare your essays on a separate document so you can have them saved in case of any technical errors.
Essays do not always save while actively working on the application.
We strongly recommend you give enough time to complete this portion of the application. Your response to these essays is heavily considered as part of the selection process.
3. Student Commitment and Bishop Recommendation.
Students need to meet with their assigned bishop or branch president so they can receive a bishop recommendation for their SOAR application.
Students of other faiths can complete the recommendation by using the following options:
Official transcripts cannot be faxed. They must be mailed in a sealed envelope to the address provided at the bottom of the page or be sent via email by a school official (Counselor, Registrar, Principal, etc) to More details on providing a transcript can be found within the SOAR application.
Homeschooled students are also required to provide a transcript or a record of the student's formal grades. Please email if you have further questions.
Transcripts must include current cumulative GPA for grades 9-11 for all terms or semesters completed to date.
5. Scholarship Application (optional).
SOAR scholarships are based on financial needs.
Please mail copied documentation that you participate in the school’s free/reduced lunch program to the address provided at the bottom of the page – OR – have your bishop submit a Bishop’s Statement of Financial Need with your Bishop’s Recommendation. **Bishop's recommendation doesn't guarantee a scholarship will be given.
Free/reduced lunch documentation is preferred for scholarship consideration.
You will not be considered for a scholarship until documentation is received. Notification of scholarship awards will be given with the student’s admission decision.
Available Scholarships:
Tuition Scholarship SOAR: Free/Reduced Lunch Documentation required in order to be eligible. The student may qualify to receive a $350 tuition scholarship and must pay the remaining $100 program fee to complete their SOAR registration.
Free/reduced lunch documentation must be emailed or postmarked by the application deadline of April 14, 2025. ***Free/Reduced Lunch forms have no bearing on the SOAR selection process.
Decision notifications will be sent by May 10, 2025.
Applicants will be placed into one of two categories after revision: Admit or Deny.
Admit: Student is accepted into the SOAR program and receives registration confirmation that directs them to complete their application. Notice of selection into SOAR session will also be given. SOARAdmitsmust complete 3 criteria. Failure to do so may result in automatic removal from admit list.
SOAR Payment.
Complete signing permission forms (media release, program and activity waivers, upload photo, etc.).
Sign up to have a Pre-SOAR advisor interview. Instructions will be sent upon admittance.
Deny: Student's admission to the program has been denied.
Mail SOAR registration, transcript, bishop recommendation, scholarship documentation copy to:
SOAR BYU Multicultural Student Services 2400 WSC Provo, UT 84602
Scanned images of scholarship documentation, Alien Registration Card may be emailed to For more SOAR information, contact us via: