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LaVay Talk

Advisor Multicultural Student Services
Full Time Employees
LaVay Talk


  • Advise students with last names I, S, Y


  • BA Psychology – Brigham Young University

Personal Bio:
I have been employed at Brigham Young University for over 33 years. Prior to my hire, Multicultural Student Services had just gone through a great shift from the BYU Indian Education Program into a new Department. I adore BYU and my extraordinary students. I was married to my companion in the Provo LDS Temple in 1984. My husband is an educator. Our daughter, Shauntel, graduated from BYU in the spring of 2010, and is currently pursuing her master’s degree at the University of Pittsburgh. Our third child, Brad, graduated from Harvard University in 2013 after serving his mission in Bangelore, India and hopes for a career in law. Alisha received her bachelor’s degree from BYU in 2015 after her mission to the Philippines. Our youngest son is Bryan Tsali. He finds joy in music and his work. We love and believe in education and family kinship.